# Extended

The following shortcodes can be used periodically in any Solodev website to add additional functionality and customization. They offer advanced features such as Google Search integration, YouTube embeds, and various other enhancements.

Shortcode Description
Google Search Add a Google-powered search feature, with options to include or exclude ads.
Report Errors Enables PHP error messages and warnings.
YouTube Embed Embed YouTube videos seamlessly into your content.

# Conditionals

Provides functionality to add a conditional statement to the template. Much like standard if/else statements, the [cond] shortcodes allows the user to create conditional statements with little coding knowledge.


Attributes Description
[type](required) is, is_not, greater_than, less_than.
[subject](required) The thing being compared. A subject is typically a variable. For example: [contype=is_not subject=”start_time” || [value=”end_time”] The event has not started yet…[/cond].
[value](required) What to compare it to.



Code Example:

[cond type=is subject="%3" value=0] code goes here… [/cond]

# Sub Conditional

Operates much like an if/else or else statement. It is the child of the parent conditional statement.


Attributes Description
[type](required) is, is_not, greater_than, less_than.
[subject](required) The thing being compared. A subject is typically a variable. For example: [contype=is_not subject=”start_time” || [value=”end_time”] The event has not started yet…[/cond].
[value](required) What to compare it to.



Code Example:

[cond type=is subject="%3" value=0] 
  [sub_cond type=is_not subject="" value=0]
    <div class="row">

# Is Set

Verifies that a given variable is set. For example, is_set can be used to verify if a user variable is set, such as active, and execute functions accordingly.



Code Example:

[is_set value=""]
  <img alt="" class="img-thumbnail img-responsive" src="[get_asset_file_url id=]"> 

# Is Empty

Verifies that a given variable is empty. For example, is_empty can be used to verify is a user variable empty and execute functions accordingly.


Attributes Description
[value](required) Value of the object set.



Code Example:

[is_empty value=""]
  <img alt="" class="img-thumbnail img-responsive" src="/core/fileparse.php/268/urlt//placehold.it/360x245"> 

# Value Set

Verifies that a specified value set.


Attributes Description
[override](required) Used if the default being passed as an argument is not set.
[default](optional) Default attributes.



Code Example:

<div landing-section-firstContent">
  <h1 class="landing-h1">[value_isset default="" override=""]</h1>

# Random

Returns a random number.


Attributes Description
[min](optional) The lowest value to return(default: 0).
[max](optional) The highest value to return (default: 50000).



Code Example:

[random min = 3 max = 7] (prints a random number between 3 and 7 that includes 3 and 7).

# Month Filter

Month filter from January to December.


Attributes Description
[id](optional) Specify an id for CSS styling.
[class](optional) Specify a class for CSS styling.
[label](optional) Specifies a label for the select box.



Example Code:

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-4 form-group">
    [month_filter class="month_filter"]

# Login/Logout

Creates a link to log in or log out of a given session.


Attributes Description
[logout_redirect](optional) Where to send the user after they are logged out (default: /).
[login_page](optional) Page where the user can log in (default: /login.stml).



Example Code:

[login_logout_link logout_redirect="/contact/" login_page="/welcome/"]