# Repeater

A repeater template is a structure used to dynamically display repeating content, such as lists or grids, by iterating through data items. It's often used for rendering multiple items (e.g., blog posts or products) from a data source into the same layout.


Attributes Description
[id] (Required) ID of the module from which the data is pulling.
[limit] (Optional) 0 starting at the first entry and the second integer specifying the number of entries to display on the page.
[order] (Optional) Specifies how the repeater will organize the data such as by “start_time desc” which will organize entries by the latest start time first.
[display_type] (Optional) Specifies the type of manager that provides the data (default: calendar - options: “news”, “events”).
[category_filter] (Optional) Filter list of entries by category.
[tag_filter] (Optional) Filter list of entries by tags selected in a textbox.
[pages] (Optional) Paginate list of entries.
[offset] (Optional) Skip entries at the start of the query. For example, offset=“5” skips the first five entries in the list.
[where] (Optional) Perform a SQL query on the database.
[website_filter] (Optional) Filter list of news items by website.

Insert the name of your HTML fields inside curly braces to print out the corresponding variable. Refer to the field_name in your Table Schema to identify the correct field.

{{ field_name }}



Code Example:

[repeater id="23" limit="0,4" order="start_time asc" display_type="news"]
  <h2>{{ event_title }}</h2>
  <p>{{ blog_intro }}</p>