# Managing Module Content

This will provide the user with a high-level overview of leveraging modules to manage their content.

# Creating a module

  • Click Modules located in the Workspace section of the Solodev Dashboard.
  • Click Add Module.
  • The user is taken to a page with a list of modules.
  • Click the Install button on the Blog Module to bring up the Module Window.
  • Enter the Name of the module and click Browse to set the installation location.
  • Solodev recommends installing modules into web files -> managers folder.
  • Click Submit.
  • The module can be found in the web files -> managers -> Blog Module folder.

# Adding a module entry

  • Open the web files -> managers -> Blog Module folder.
  • Click on the Blog Module to open it.
  • Click the Add Entry button to bring up the Add Entry Blog Module.
  • Enter the Name and choose the Status of the Blog.
  • Under the Image Uploads section, select the Image Type and upload the appropriate the Listing Image.
  • Enter the title, introductory paragraph and blog content in the Heading Overwrite, Intro/Subtitle and Body Content fields located in the Post Content Section.
  • Under the META Data section, enter the Meta Title, Meta Description, and Meta Keywords.
  • Under the Advanced section, enter any custom JavaScript
  • Enter a Start and End Date for publication.
  • Select the predefined categories or create a custom category for the post.
  • Select the Groups that can access the entry.
  • Click Submit.

# Viewing entry details

  • Open the Blog Module folder and click Blog Module to open it.
  • Click on the pen and paper icon to open the entry in a new tab.

# Exporting module entries

  • Open the Blog Module folder and click Blog Module or the name of the module to open it.
  • Click the checkbox to the left of the Status column to select all entries or the checkbox next to each entry to select specific entries.
  • Click Export.
  • A .csv file with all the entries and their corresponding columns will be downloaded to the user’s machine.

##Deleting module entries

  • Open the Blog Module folder and click Blog Module to open it.
  • Click the checkbox to select the desired entry.
  • Click Delete to bring up the Delete window for the module.
  • Review the warning and click Submit.

# Modifying a module

  • Open the Blog Module folder and click Blog Module to open it.
  • Click Modify to bring up the module window.
  • Users are given the ability to hide columns from the module schema, define advanced options, modify the table schema, or change the name and type of module.
  • After making the desired changes click Submit.

# Delete a module

  • Open the folder that contains the module.
  • Click the checkbox to select the Blog Module.
  • Click the Delete to bring up the Delete modal window.
  • Click Submit.

# Creating a repeater template

The repeater template, although optional, displays all entries in the module used. The repeater is written in Solodev Short codes and refers to the user interface template, printing fields in the form of PHP variables through an $item array.




Attributes($atts) Description
id (required) ID of the module from which the data is pulling
limit (required) 0 starting at the first entry and the second integer specifying the number of entries to display on the page
order (optional) Specifies how the repeater will organize the data such as by "start_time desc" which will organize entries by the latest start time first
type (optional) Specifies the type of manager that provides the data (default: calendar)
Insert the names of your HTML fields inside these curly braces to print out the appropriate variable. You can find the field_name on your Table Schema
  • Open the desired folder that will contain the repeater file.
  • Click Add File and enter the Name, Title, and Description.
  • Select Code for the File Type.
  • Click Submit.
  • In the file enter the following code:
[repeater id="##" limit="0,2"]



<a href=""></a>

  • Click Publish.

# Creating a detail template

The display template shows the specifics of an individual entry from a repeater template. An example would be clicking on an individual blog entry from a list of entries to see the entire blog post. The detail page is a subpage of its parent page on the repeater template.


  • Open the desired folder that will contain the detail file.
  • Click Add File and enter the Name, Title, and Description.
  • Select Code for the File Type.
  • Click Submit.
  • In the file enter the code:



  • Click Publish.

# Create a page to house the repeater template

  • Expand the www folder and open the folder that will contain the repeater page.
  • Click Add Page.
  • In the Add Page modal and enter the Name, Title, and Description for the page.
  • Click Submit.
  • Open the page and click the dropzone that will contain the repeater template file.
  • Select the repeater template to insert into the dropzone.
  • Click Publish.

# Create a page to house the detail template

  • Expand the www folder and open the folder that will contain the detail page.
  • Click Add Page.
  • In the Add Page modal and enter the Name, Title, and Description for the page.
  • Click Submit.
  • Open the page and click the dropzone that will contain the detail template file.
  • Select the detail template to insert into the dropzone.
  • Click Publish.

# Linking the repeater page to the detail page

  • Open the Blog Module located in the web files -> managers -> Blog Module folder.
  • Click Modify.
  • In the Modify Blog modal click the arrow located to the right of Website Properties.
  • Click Browse in the Detail Page Template section.
  • Select the .stml page that contains the detail template.
  • Click Choose.
  • Click Browse in the Detail Folder Location.
  • Click Choose to select the folder that contains the news detail page.
  • Click Submit.