Add a WYSIWYG toolbar to a text area for a module form
The Solodev Visual Editor, also known as a WYSIWYG, editor is an easy-to use browser-based content editor that enables the author to capture and format HTML data without the requirement of coding knowledge. With the WYSIWYG users have access to text editing functions and file enhancements – allowing the user to visualize the end result while the document is being created.
Users commonly encounter the WYSIWYG when editing an HTML file or adding an entry in the pre-built Solodev modules on the backend. However, users can add the WYSIWYG to their own custom modules. The steps are provided below.
Step 1 – Create a custom module
- Open the Modules workspace and click Add Module.
- Click the Install button on the Custom Module.
- Enter the name of the module, choose ‘Datatable’ for the Type, and choose ‘Website Module’ for the Display.
- Click Browse and install the module in the web files -> managers folder of the website.
- Click Submit.
Step 2 – Modify the Table Schema
- Open the module located in the web files -> managers -> moduleName folder.
- Click Modify.
- In the modify modal, set the Datatable Type to Website Module.
- Click the arrow to expand the Table Schema.
- Click the red minus sign to remove the name entry.
- Click the orange + sign twice to add two fields.
- In the first field under the Name column enter “title”, set the Type to Character and Length to 255. Leave the checkbox in the Allow Null column unchecked and the text-box in the Default column empty.
- In the second field under the Name column enter “article”, set the Type to text area. Leave the checkbox in the Allow Null column unchecked and the text-box in the Default column empty.
- Click the Modify button. In the modify modal notice that the Grid Display contains the name values submitted in the table schema.
- Click the arrow to expand the _Assets folder and open the custom-form.tpl file.
- In the custom-form.tpl file, note that there is html code for a form with a Name label and text input to capture the name.
- Modify the html code by setting the name value in text input and text area to “title” and “article” respectively so that it matches the values submitted in the table schema.
- In the opening tag of the text area set the class attribute to wysiwyg or wysiwyg-basic.
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="title" id="title">
<textarea name="article" form="blog" id="article" class="wysiwyg">Enter text here...</textarea>
- Set the labels appropriately. The full code block for the form is provided below
<h2><label class="label-control" for="title">Title</label></h2>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="title" id="title">
<h2><label class="label-control" for="article">Article</label></h2>
<textarea name="article" form="blog" id="article" class="wysiwyg">Enter text here...</textarea>
- Click Publish.
Step 3 – Add an Entry
- Open the module
- Click Add Entry.
- Enter the Title and compose the Article using the WYSIWYG editor.
- Click Submit.