Create a team module
Showcasing your staff members on your website adds a human element to your brand. This tutorial covers the basics of creating a team page using Solodev Modules and Shortcodes.
Users must be familiar with the following:
- Shortcodes
- Mapping pages to modules
Step 1 - Installing a team module
- On the Solodev dashboard click Modules.
- Click Add Modules on the next page.
- On the Team card click Install.
- In the modal window Enter the Name of the module.
- Click Browse and select the web files -> managers folder.
- Click Choose.
- Click Submit.
Step 2 - Creating a Repeater Template
- Expand the web files -> content folders and open the about-us folder.
- Click Add Folder.
- Enter the Name (team), Title, and Description of the folder.
- Click Submit.
- Open the team folder.
- Click Add File.
- Enter the Name (team-repeater.tpl) and Title of the file.
- Set the File Type to Code.
- Click Submit.
- The user is directed to the open file.
- In the text box, enter the code provided below:
<div class="row py-5">
<div class="text-center col-md-8 mx-auto">
<h2 class="text-uppercase">Seeing the World Anew</h2>
<p>Meet the team of talented people that are leading our low earth orbit tours.</p>
<div class="row pb-5">
[repeater id='##' pages="22" order="start_time desc" display_type="news"]
<div class="col-md-6 col-lg-3 mt-3">
<a href="">
<div class="position-relative bg-secondary bg-hover-secondary-dark">
<img alt="Team Image" src="[get_asset_file_url id='']" class="w-100 img-fluid">
<div class="text-white text-center border-top border-white w-100 p-2">
<h2 class="mb-0 h6 text-uppercase">
[is_set value=""]
[is_empty value=""]
<p class="mb-0"><small></small></p>
- Click Publish.
Note: The id value in the repeater should match the id value of the module.
Step 3 - Creating a detail template
- Open the team folder located in web files -> content -> about-us folder.
- Click Add File.
- Enter the Name (team-detail.tpl) and Title of the file.
- Set the File Type to Code.
- Click Submit.
- The user is directed to the open file.
- In the text box, enter the code provided below:
<div class="row align-items-center mb-lg-5">
<div class="col-md-3 text-lg-center text-left">
<img alt="Image Title" class="w-225p img-fluid rounded-circle" src="[get_asset_file_url id='']">
<div class="col-md-9 mt-lg-0 mt-5">
[is_set value=""]
<h2 class="text-uppercase"></h2>
<hr class="my-4">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<p><i class="w-25p far fa-envelope pr-2"></i> <a href="mailto:"></a></p>
<p><i class="w-25p fas fa-mobile-alt pr-2"></i> <a href="tel:"></a></p>
<div class="col-md-6">
<p><i class="w-25p fas fa-map-marker-alt pr-2"></i></p>
<p><i class="w-25p far fa-clock pr-2"></i></p>
<div class="row pt-4">
<div class="col-sm-12">
- Click Publish.
Step 4 - Creating a page to house the repeater template
- Open the www folder.
- Click Add Folder.
- Enter the Name (team), Title, and Description of the folder.
- Click Submit.
- Open the team folder.
- Click Add Page.
- Enter the Name (index.stml), Title and Description of the page.
- Choose a template.
- Click Submit.
- The user is directed to the index.stml page.
- Select an empty DynamicDiv on the page.
- Select the team-repeater.tpl file located in the web files -> content -> about-us -> team folder to insert it into the dynamic div.
- Click Publish.
Step 5 - Creating a page to house the detail template
- With the www -> team folder open, click Add Page.
- Enter the Name (detail.stml), Title and Description of the page.
- Choose a template.
- Click Submit.
- The user is directed to the detail.stml page.
- Select an empty DynamicDiv on the page.
- Select the team-detail.tpl file located in the web files -> content -> about-us -> team folder to insert it into the dynamic div.
- Click Publish.
Step 6 – Mapping the detail.stml page to the team module
- Expand the web files -> managers -> Staff folders.
- Open the Staff module.
- Click Modify.
- Expand the Website Properties accordion.
- Click Browse next to the Detail Template textbox.
- Select the detail.stml page located in the www -> team folder.
- Click Browse next to the Detail Folder Location text box.
- Select the folder (www ->team) that contains the detail.stml file.
- Click Submit.
Step 7 - Add an Entry
- Expand the web files-> managers -> Staff folders.
- Open the Team module.
- Click Add Entry
- Set the Status to Publish*
- Enter the Content
- Choose a Featured Image.
- Click Submit.