# Create an events module

An Events Module displays entries in the form of a Calendar and gives developers the option to add a start and an end date and time. An event is a Type of Module that is used when creating modifying a Calendar. This tutorial discusses the creation of an Events Module.

# Pre-requisites

Users should be familiar with:

  • Using Shortcodes
  • Mapping pages to modules

# Step 1 - Installing an events module

  • On the Solodev dashboard click Modules.
  • Click Add Modules on the next page.
  • On the Event Hub card, click Install.
  • In the modal window Enter the Name of the module.
  • Click Browse and select the web files -> managers folder.
  • Click Choose.
  • Click Submit.

# Step 2 - Creating a repeater template

  • Expand the web files -> content folders and open the events folder (Create on in the content folder if it has not been created).
  • In the events folder, click Add File.
  • Enter the Name(events-repeater.tpl) and Title of the file.
  • Set the File Type of Code
  • Click Submit
  • The user is directed to the open file
  • In the text box, enter the code provided below:
[repeater id='##'  pages="22" order="start_time desc" display_type="news"]
	<a href="{{path}}" class="text-black">
		<div class="row pb-4">
			<div class="col-sm-2  mx-auto mx-sm-0 mt-3 mt-sm-0 ">
				<div class="bg-secondary p-2 text-white text-center">
					<p class="m-0 lead"><strong>[print_date format="M" timestamp="{{start_time}}"]</strong></p>
					<p class="h3 mb-0">[print_date format="d" timestamp="{{start_time}}"]</p>
			<div class="col-sm-10   mt-2 mt-sm-0">
				<p class="text-uppercase mb-0">
                		<span class="text-primary">
							[entry_categories_repeat id="{{calendar_entry_id}}"]     
						</span> | <span>[print_date format="F d, Y" timestamp="{{start_time}}"]</span>
				<h2 class="h3 mb-2">{{event_title}}</h2>
				<p class="post-intro">{{post_intro}}</p>
  • Click Publish

Note: The id value in the repeater should match the id value of the module.

# Step 3 - Creating a detail template

  • Open the events folder located in web files -> content folder.
  • Click Add File
  • Enter the Name (events-detail.tpl) and Title of the file.
  • Set the File Type to Code
  • Click Submit
  • The user is directed to the open file.
  • In the text box, enter the code provided below:
	<div class="row">
  		<div class="col-sm-8">
    		<p class="text-primary">
                	[print_date format="F d, Y g:i a" timestamp="{{start_time}}"] - [print_date format="F d, Y g:i a" timestamp="{{end_time}}"]
	<div class="row my-4">
  		<div class="col-md-6 col-lg-8">
    		<div class="card rounded-0">
      			<div class="card-title border-bottom">
        			<h3 class="h4 text-secondary bg-light-gray p-3 mb-0">About This Event</h3>
      			<div class="card-body">
		<div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4 mt-4 mt-md-0">
			<div class="card rounded-0">
				<div class="card-title border-bottom">
					<h3 class="h4 text-secondary bg-light-gray p-3 mb-0">When &amp; Where</h3>
				<div class="card-body">
					<iframe src="https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q={{event_address}}%2C+{{event_city}}%2C+{{event_state}}+{{event_zip}}&ie=UTF8&z=12&t=m&iwloc=near&output=embed" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="200" allowfullscreen></iframe>
					<p class="mt-3">{{event_address}} <br>{{event_city}}, {{event_state}} {{event_zip}}</p>
					<p>[print_date format="F d, Y g:i a" timestamp="{{start_time}}"] -<br /> [print_date format="F d, Y g:i a" timestamp="{{end_time}}"]</p>
					<div class="mt-4">
						<a class="h5 btn btn-primary p-2 px-3 mb-2 text-left" href='https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r/eventedit?text={{event_title}}&dates=[print_date format="Ymd" timestamp="{{start_time}}"]T[print_date format="His" timestamp="{{start_time}}"]/[print_date format="Ymd" timestamp="{{end_time}}"]T[print_date format="His" timestamp="{{end_time}}"]&details={{post_intro}}&location={{event_address}} {{event_city}}, {{event_state}} {{event_zip}}' target="_blank">
							<i class="fas fa-calendar-alt fa-lg pr-2"></i> Add to Google Calendar
			<div class="card mt-4 rounded-0">
				<div class="card-title border-bottom">
					<h2 class="h4 text-secondary bg-light-gray p-3 mb-0">Contact Information</h2>
				<div class="card-body">
					<p>Email: <a href="mailto:[site_email]">[site_email]</a></p>

# Step 4 - Creating a page to a house the repeater template

  • Open the wwww folder.
  • Click Add Folder.
  • Enter the Name(events), Title, and Description of the page.
  • Choose a template.
  • Click Submit
  • The user is directed to the index.stml page.
  • Select an empty DynamicDiv on the page.
  • Select the events-repeater.tpl file located in the web files -> content -> events folder to inset it into the dynamic div.
  • Click Publish

# Step 5 - Creating a page to house the detail template

  • With the www->events folder open, click Add Page.
  • Enter the Name(detail.stml), Title and Description of the page.
  • Choose a template.
  • Click Submit
  • The user is directed to the detail.stml page.
  • Select an empty DynamicDiv on the page.
  • Select the events-detail.tpl file located in the web->content->events folder to insert it into the dynamic div.
  • Click Publish

# Step 6 - Mapping the deatil.stml page to the team module

  • Expand the web files -> managers -> Events folders.
  • Open the Events module
  • Click Modify.
  • Expand the Website Properties accordion.
  • Click Browse next to the Detail Folder Location text box.
  • Select the folder (www->events) that contains the detail.stml file.
  • Click Submit

# Step 7 - Adding an Entry

  • Expand the web files -> managers -> Events folders.
  • Open the Events module.
  • Click Add Entry
  • Enter the Name.
  • Select a Status
  • Populate the fields in the Event Information, Event Location, Body Content, and Schedule sections
  • Click Submit