# Create a tags for modules

# Tags Overview

In contrast to categories which are meant for broad grouping of posts, tags describe specific details of individual posts. Tags are analogous to an index list. Tags are not hierarchical. The steps for adding tags to modules are provided below.

# Step 1 - Create a repeater template file

  • Open the desired folder that will contain the repeater file
  • Click Add File and enter the Name, Title, and Description.
  • Select Code for the File Type
  • Click Submit
  • In the file enter the following code"
[repeater id="##" limit="0,2"]



<a href=""></a>

  • Click Publish

Note: The id value in the repeater should match the id value of the module.

# Step - 2 Create a detail template file

  • Open the desired folder that will contain the detail file.
  • Click Add File and enter the Name, Title, and Description.
  • Select Code for the File Type
  • Click Submit
  • In the file enter the code:



  • Click Publish

# Step 3 - Create a page to house the repeater template

  • Extend the www folder and open the folder that will contain the repeater page
  • Click Add Page
  • In the Add Page modal and enter the Name, Title, and Description for the page
  • Open the page and click the dropzone that will contain the repeater template file.
  • Select the repeater template to insert into the dropzone
  • Click Publish

# Step 4 - Create a page to house the detail template

  • Expand the *www folder and open the folder that will contain the detail page.
  • Click Add Page
  • In the Add Page modal and enter the Name, Title, and Description for the page
  • Open the page and click the dropzone that will contain the detail template file
  • Select the detail template to inset into the dropzone
  • Click Publish

# Step 5 - Mapping the Repeater Template and the detail template to the Module

  • Expand the folder that houses the module and open the module.
  • Click Modify
  • In the modify modal window expand the Website Properties section
  • To the right of the Detail Page Template text-box, click Browse and choose the page that contains the detail template for the blog tags.
  • To the right of the Detail Folder text-box, click Browse and choose the folder that contains the detail page.
  • To the right of the Tag Template text-box, click Browse and choose the page that contains the repeater template.
  • Click Submit

# Step 6 - Adding Tags to an Entry

  • Open the module
  • Click Add Entry button
  • Enter the name, choose the status and images, populate the heading, intro and content
  • Choose a category
  • In the Tags text-box, enter the desired tags pressing tav after adding each one.
  • Click Submit