# Create and Manage your Folder Structure in Solodev

In this article, we'll show you how to implement that sitemap in Solodev CMS by creating the folder structure.

# Implementing Your Sitemap in Solodev

Let's say we have this list that we'd like to implement on Solodev:

  • About Us
  • Clients
    • Index
    • Detail
  • Contact Us
  • News
    • Index
    • Detail
  • Resources
    • Index
    • Detail
  • Services
    • Design
    • Index
    • Marketing
    • Programming
    • Sales
    • Support
    • Training

Here are the steps to build the folder structure:

  1. Open the web files directory.
  2. Open the content directory.
  3. Click Add Folder.**
  4. In the form that appears to the right of the screen, enter the Name, Title and Description of the folder. Solodev recommends using best practices for naming, titling, and describing files, pages and folders.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Repeat steps bullet items 3 through 5 for the remaining folders specified in the sitemap.
  7. Add the same folders that were added to the web files -> content directory to the www directory.

The folders built in the web files -> content directory serves as a repository for HTML content.

  • In web files, the content folder contains HTML and .tpl files whereas in the www directory the folders contain web pages (.stml files) made up of the HTML content from the folders in the web files directory.
  • The homepage (index.stml) is at the root of the site so it is not housed in a folder and lives in the root of the www directory.
  • Each folder in the www directory should contain an index.stml page as reflected in the sitemap example under Services.
  • An assets folder is required in the www directory to house CSS, JavaScript, Fonts, and Images.