# User

Modify a user’s details, delete a user from your CMS, and manage a user’s permissions. You can also view the latest files a user has worked on, what apps they can access, and which groups they are members of.


Name Description
Modify User Update a user’s details, including name, title, company, and timezone.
Delete Remove a user from your CMS deployment.
Reset Password Send an email that allows a user to update their password.
Login as User Assumes a user’s profile to log in and manage their details.
Permissions Manage a user’s access to apps and modules in your CMS.

# Worked On

View the most recent documents, apps, modules, and other files a user has worked on. You can access any file in the table by clicking on a specific row.

uoverview 1

# Groups the user is part of

View and access the groups a user is a member of by clicking on a specific row.

uoverview 2

# Apps the user has access to

View the apps a user has access to and their associated role. You can modify a user’s access in Permissions.

uoverview 3

# Profile

View a user’s profile details, including their company and timezone. You can update profile details in Modify User.

uoverview 4