# Basic Shortcodes

This document will discuss the basic shortcodes, their attributes, and use case scenarios.

# Admin Only

This shortcode specifies that the content inside of the [admin_only] [/admin_only] code should be shown on the backend. Developers may use this shortcode in conjunction with [non_admin_only] [/non_admin_only] shortcode to partition frontend and backend content and prevent them from interfering with one another. This shortcode has no attributes.



Code Example:

 hello backend

# Non Admin

This shortcode specifies that the content inside of the [non_admin_only] [/non_admin_only] should be shown on the frontend. Developers may use this shortcode in conjunction with [admin_only] [/admin_only] shortcode to partition front end and backend content and prevent them from interfering with one another. This shortcode has no attributes.



Code Example:

 hello frontend

# Get Asset File URL

This self-closing shortcode returns the URL path to the specified asset file in the database. Typically, this shortcode is used within an entry or repeater shortcode.


Attributes Description
[id](required) The file's asset file ID.



Code Example:

<div class="blog-wrapper">
<img alt="[get_asset_file_name id=]" class="img-responsive" src="[get_asset_file_url id=]" />

# Get Asset File Name

Returns the name of the specified asset file.


Attributes Description
[id](required) The file's asset file ID.



Code Example:

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-8">
    <img alt="[get_asset_file_name id=]" src="[get_asset_file_url id=]">

# Print Date

Returns the date formatted according to PHP's date function.


Attributes Description
[format](required) The date format to be returned. A list of date functions can be found here.
[datestring](optional) Preformatted date that needs to be changed into another format.
[timestamp](optional) Epoch timestamp (default: Today's Date).



Code Example:

<div class="col-sm-8">
  <span class="news-date">[print_date format="F d, Y g:ia" timestamp=""]</span>

# Lower Case

Returns lowercased version of the string value within the enclosing shortcode. This shortcode has no attributes.



Code Example:

<a class="[lower_case][/lower_case]">
  <img alt="[get_asset_file_url id=]" src="[get_asset_file_url id=]">

# Report Errors

Enables PHP error messages and warning for development purposes. This self-closing shortcode contains no attributes.



Code Example:

[admin_only] [report_errors] [/admin_only]

# No Spaces

Removes spaces from the content within the enclosing shortcode to make it database friendly. This shortcode contains no attributes.



Code Example:

<a class="[no_spaces][/no_spaces]">
  <img alt="Image" src="/images/logo.png">