# Shortcodes for Pages

This article provides an overview of the shortcodes that make it easy to add complex functionality to webpages. The shortcodes, use cases, and attributes are provided below.

# Page Title

Retrieves the current title of a page.


Attributes Description
[exclude](optional) When this option is set the function does not search for the specified title.



Code Example:


# Page Description

Retrieves the description of the page from the fields in the Meta tab of the corresponding page. This self-enclosing shortcode contains no attributes.



Code Example:

<h1>[page_title]</h1> --> Services
<p>[page_description]</p> --> The Best Services on the Web!

# Parent Folder Title

Retrieves the current title of the parent folder. This self-enclosing short code contains no attributes.



Code Example:

<h2 class="aside-header">[parent_title]</h2> 
<a class="btn btn-arrow btn-motive" href="/contact-us.stml"><span>Contact Us</span>
  <img src="/core/fileparse.php/14751/urlt/assets/images/arrow-right.png" alt="Arrow Right">

# Parent Description

Retrieves the current description of the parent folder. This self-enclosing short code contains no attributes.



Code Example:


# Section Title

Retrieves the folder title that contains a page but reverts to the page title if the parent folder of the page is the site root. This self-enclosing shortcode has no attributes.



Code Example:

<section class="ct-page_title">

# Section Description

This retrieves the folder description that contains a page but refers to the page description if parent folder of the page is the site root. This self-enclosing shortcode has no attributes.



Code Example:

<div class="ct-page_title-content">
   <h1>About Us</h1>

# Solodev Nav

Displays the structured folders in the navigation (left or main).


Attributes Description
[parent_category_id](required) The ID of the www folder.
[levels](optional) How deep the navigation should display(numeric value).
[nav_class](optional) Classes can be added.



Code Example:

<div class="nav main-nav">
  [solodev_nav parent_category_id="14742" levels="2" nav_class="navbar-nav navbar-right"]

# Breadcrumb

Returns the formatted breadcrumb tail for the current page. This shortcode creates dynamic breadcrumbs on every web page to which it is added. Breadcrumb refers to a navigation element that displays the path in which the current page resides. The breadcrumb displays all parent folders up to the www folder.


Attributes Description
[delimter](optional) Sets the delimiter between folders. Supports font awesome and text.
[home_overwrite](optional) Overrides the home link to replace the word home with an icon. Supports font awesome and text.



Code Example:

<div class="breadcrumb-container">
  <ul class="breadcrumb">
   [breadcrumb home_overwrite='<i class="fas fa-home fa-lg"></i>' delimiter="-"]

# Social Share

Adds social share buttons that link to social media accounts using images or Font Awesome icons.

Attributes [social_share_img]:

Attributes Description
[domain] (required) "www.yourdomain.com".
[protocol] (required) HTTP or HTTPS.
[facebook] (required) Boolean (true or false).
[twitter] (required) Boolean (true or false).
[linkedin] (required) Boolean (true or false).
[image_location] (required) Path to the image folder.
[image_extension] (required) Extension of the social media image.

Attributes [social_share_fa]:

Attributes Description
[domain] (required) "www.yourdomain.com".
[protocol] (required) HTTP or HTTPS.
[facebook] (required) Boolean (true or false).
[twitter] (required) Boolean (true or false).
[linkedin] (required) Boolean (true or false).



Code Example using Font Awesome:

<div class="col-md-4">
  [social_share_fa domain="www.webcorpco.com" protocol="http" facebook="true" twitter="true" linkedin="true"]

Code Example using Images:

<div class="col-md-4">
  [social_share_img domain="www.webcorpco.com" protocol="http" facebook="true" twitter="true" linkedin="true"]

# Page Path

Retrieves the URL path to a page. This self-enclosed attribute has no attributes.



Code Example:

  <li><a href="[page_path]">Home</a></li>

# URL var

Returns the name of the $_REQUEST variable that is set. Developers can use this to dynamically populate confirmation or thank you form submission pages.


Attributes Description
[name](required) name of the $_REQUEST variable being used.



Code Example:

[url_var name = "firstname"]
Code block here