# Assigning Users or Groups to Objects

As mentioned in the Permissions Overview, Solodev supports granular permissions that allows administrators to create a permission system – assigning users and groups to specific objects. This document will show the administrator how to assign permissions to groups globally before assigning users and groups to specific ‘Actions’ and ‘Resources’ in the Solodev CMS system.

# Step 1 – Globally Assigning Resources and Actions to Groups

  • Sign into Solodev CMS with administrator credentials.
  • Click Groups under the Organization section of the dashboard.
  • Select the desired group.
  • Click Manage located below ‘Apps the group has access to’ to display the permissions window.
  • Select the desired resources and the associated roles.
  • Click Submit.
  • Refresh the page to view the list of resources made accessible to the group.
  • Add user(s) to the group.

# Step 2 – Assigning Users to Specific Actions or Resources

  • Select Websites located below the Workspace section.
  • Select the row in the members column associated with the desired website to bring up the permissions column.
  • Enter the Name of the user and select the Role.
  • Click the + button to add the user.
  • Click Submit.
  • The user(s) appear in the row of the members column associated with the selected website.

# Step 3 – Removing Users from Specific Actions or Resources

  • Select Websites located below the Workspace section.
  • Select the row containing the member to be removed.
  • Click the X to the right of the username.
  • Click Submit.

# Step 4 – Adding Groups to Specific Actions or Resources

  • Select Websites located below the Workspace section.
  • Select the row in the members column associated with the desired website to bring up the permissions column.
  • Enter the Name of the group and select the Role.
  • Click the + button to add the group.
  • Click Submit.
  • The group(s) appear in the row of the members column associated with the selected website.

# Step 5 – Removing Groups from Specific Actions or Resources

  • Select Websites located below the Workspace section.
  • Select the row containing the group to be removed.
  • Click the X to the right of the group name.
  • Click Submit.