# Experiments

A/B Testing is the most essential tool marketers can use to target visitors by testing their responses to varying content. This article introduces Solodev users to Experiments. Experiments allows users to test different iterations of content on different pages and track the iterations receiving the most conversions and engagement.

With Solodev Experiments, users can experiment with different pieces of content on a page, the copy on a page, images on page, different hero iterations, and sliders. This article shows the user how to create and modify experiments and their entries.

# Step 1 – Add an Experiment

  • Open the web files -> content -> experiments directory.
  • Click Add Experiment to bring up the Add Experiment window.
  • Enter the Name.
  • Click Submit.

# Step 2 – Add an entry to an Experiment

  • Click on the beaker icon next to the experiment name to open the experiment.
  • Add content to the experiment by clicking the Browse button.
  • Select home-slider.tpl (Solodev’s slider), located in the web files -> content -> home directory, for the first iteration of the experiment and click Choose.
  • The first iteration of the experiment is displayed to the left of the Browse button.
  • To configure the content, enter the name adjust the frequency, and click the checkbox located under the Active column.
  • Click Save.
  • Scroll to the right and click the orange + button to populate a new row.
  • Follow the steps 1 – 6 to add the second iteration. For this iteration, select home-video.tpl located in the web files -> content -> home directory.

# Step 3 – Adding an experiment to a page

  • Open the page that will contain the experiment and select the dropzone for the experiment.
  • Select the experiment from the web files directory and click Publish.

# Step 4 – Modifying an experiment

Users can gain insight into the success of their content while running experiments. Solodev Experiments allows users to capitalize on those insights and modify experiments. * Users can change the frequency of the iterations in an experiment, disable an iteration in the experiment or add further iterations to an experiment.

# Step 4a – Changing the frequency of iterations in an experiment

If an iteration in an experiment does not perform well, users may want to increase the frequency to gain more data. Alternatively, users may want to decrease the frequency or remove the iteration altogether in which that content is displayed.

  • Open the experiment to display the iterations.
  • Adjust the frequency sliders.
  • Click Save.

# Step 4b – Removing iterations/entries from an experiment

  • Open the experiment to display the iterations.
  • Scroll to the right and click the grey – button.
  • Click Save.

# Step 4c – Adding iterations

In the previous example, this document guided the user through creating an experiment with two iterations. Suppose that the user would like to test more than one slider and more than one video image. In this case, the user can add content to the web files folder to add further iterations to the experiment.

  • Open the experiment to display the iterations.
  • Click the orange + button on the far right of the Slider to add a new row.
  • Click Browse, select the desired content from the file tree, and click Choose.
  • Enter the name of the frequency, click the checkbox in the Active column and adjust the frequency slider.
  • Click Save to save the iteration.

# Step 4d – Disabling an iteration

  • Open the experiment to display the iterations.
  • Click the checkbox to remove the check mark from the Active column.
  • Click Save.

# Step 5 – Deleting an Experiment

  • Open the folder containing the experiment.
  • Select the checkbox next to the experiment.
  • Click Delete to bring up the modal window.
  • Review the warning and click Submit.