# Forms Overview

Forms serve as the gateway for capturing and sending data from one location to another. In Solodev forms are used for two main purposes:

Website Forms – these are forms found on the front end of a website, the most common being a “Contact Us” form that captures site visitors’ data and sends it to its Solodev Module.

Module Forms – these are forms found on the back-end of Solodev to add, edit and delete module entries for display on user-facing websites.

This document shows the user how to create a custom module, upload a form file to set the table schema of the module, and embed the module to a page to create a website form.

# Step 1 – Creating a Form

  • Click Modules located in the Workspace section of the Solodev Dashboard.
  • Click Add Module.
  • The user is taken to a page with a list of modules.
  • Click the Install button on the Custom Builder to bring up the Module modal window.
  • Enter the Name of the module, set the Type to Datatable, set the Display to Website Form, and click Browse to set the installation location.
  • Solodev recommends installing modules into web files -> managers folder.
  • Click Submit.
  • The module is in the web files -> managers -> Custom Form folder.

# Step 2 – Set the Table Schema

  • Open the website and navigate to the web files -> managers -> Custom Form folder.
  • Open the Module.
  • Click Modify to bring up the Modify Custom Form modal window.
  • Under the Datatable Type choose Website Form.
  • Click the arrow in the Advanced section of the Modal.
  • Under Form Template section, click Upload Form.
  • Choose the desired form and click Submit to complete the upload.
  • Click Modify to bring up the Modify Custom Form modal window.
  • Under the grid display and the table schema, the user will see that the display columns and the entries in the name field in the table schema match the names of the form columns in the .tpl file that was uploaded.

# Step 3 – Embedding a Form into a Page

  • Open the contact-us folder located in web files -> content folder.
  • Click the Add File button to bring up the Add File Modal.
  • Enter the Name, Title and File Type.
  • Click Submit.
  • Open the file and type the following line of code:
[form id=“id#”]
  • Click Publish.
  • Open the page that will contain the .tpl form file and select the dropzone.
  • Click on the .tpl file to add it to the dropzone.
  • Click Publish.
[form id=“id#”]