# Managing Files

In the Solodev CMS, a File serves many purposes. Examples of a file includes simple text documents, spreadsheets, PDFs, images, or HTML files. Files are stored in folders and have a different Resource View depending on their file type. Solodev CMS supports four primary file types described below.

HTML – A file type that has a WYSIWYG editor for manipulating HTML content.

Image – The most widely used formats on the Web are PNG, GIF and JPEG.

Text – An ANSCII based file type such as .txt, .css, and .tpl.

Document – Word processing document, spreadsheet, PDF, etc.

This document will show users how to create and modify files in the Solodev CMS system.

# Step 1 – Adding a File

  • In the Websites workspace, expand the web files -> content folder.
  • Open the folder that will contain the file.
  • Click the Add File button to bring up the Add File window.
  • Enter the Name and Title.
  • Choose the file type.
  • Click Submit to create and open the file for editing.

Solodev allows users to choose from multiple file types when adding a File in the Websites workspace.

HTML -- standard .htm or .html file.

Code -- a text file that supports a wide range of ANSCII-based file types (.tpl, .js, .css, .txt, .php). By default, a code file is created with a .tpl extension. To override the default file extension append the desired file extension at the end of the filename (e.g. filename.php).

Form -- a form (.frm) file.

# File Actions

After opening a file in Solodev CMS, users are presented with a text-editor and Actions Menu that can be used to edit and update file properties. The options available to users in the Actions Menu are listed below.

Actions Description
Draft Saves a file on the backend without publishing it to the front end.
Stage Saves the file and publish it to the staging server (if one is being used).
Publish Saves the file and pushes the file to the live website.
Copy Creates a duplicate of a file.
Move Moves the file to a new location.
Delete Removes a file permanently from the CMS.
Add to Group Adds a file to a file group.
History A directory of previous versions of a file that can be used to roll back changes.

# Meta Information

All Solodev files contain a Meta option in the Actions Menu. With the Meta option, users can define meta attributes for each file. Users can optimize their site’s visibility in search engine results with meta keywords and meta data.

Field Description
Title The title of the file that will be displayed on both the back and front end.
Description A description of the contents of the file.
Rank The ranking of your file (1, 2, 3) relative to the other files.
Meta Description A description of the file that will help improve SEO.
Meta Keywords Keywords attached to the file that will help improve SEO.
Publish Date The date you should like the file to be published.
Expire Date The date you would like the file to be pulled from your website.

# Step 2 – Copying a File

  • Expand the relevant directories and open the desired file.
  • Click Copy.
  • Expand the relevant directories and highlight the destination folder to select it.
  • Click Submit. The copied file is listed under the parent folder in the directory tree.

# Step 3 – Moving a File

  • Expand the relevant directories and open the desired file.
  • Click Move.
  • Expand the relevant directories and highlight the destination folder to select it.
  • Click Submit. The file is listed under the destination folder.

# Step 4 – Deleting A File

  • Expand the relevant directories and open the desired file.
  • Click the Delete button to bring up the delete window.
  • Click Submit.

# Step 5 – Copying, Moving, and Deleting Files in Bulk

  • Expand the relevant directories and open the parent folder to bring up a tab with the folder’s contents.
  • Click the check box to select the files.
  • Select Copy/Move/Delete.
  • Select a destination folder to copy or move files.
  • Click Submit.

# Supported file types

Developers and content creators can leverage Solodev CMS to create and manage various web files related to various digital projects.

We will provide a high level overview of the various file types supported in the Solodev CMS system.


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the markup language used to create the foundation of any web page. In addition to uploading html files to Solodev CMS, users can create and edit html files natively via Solodev’s WYSIWYG or code editor. HTML files can be inserted into STMLs using Dynamic Div Technology.

File Extension Description
.html An acronym for hyper-text-markup-language and the extension for web pages.
.htm An abbreviation for an HTML file.

In the Solodev, HTML files are not web pages. HTML pages serve as content blocks that can be organized and embedded into STML pages via Solodev’s Dynamic Div technology.

# WYSIWYG editor in use for an html file

The source code for the page displayed above can be edited with the code editor by clicking the Source button.

# Template Files (.tpl)

Template files allow users to reuse blocks HTML code for each section or page of their website. In addition, template files allow users to harness the power of nested layouts creating drop zones with Dynamic Div technology that can be embedded into STML pages. Templates allow users to utilize more complex html syntax than is possible with the WYSIWYG editor. For more information about template files, please refer to the documents listed below:

# Images

Users can place and specify the display and design of several different types of images throughout their websites. The most widely used formats on the Web are PNG, JPEG, GIF and JPG. Within Solodev CMS, users can utilize photos to create dynamic image-based galleries, sliders, carousels and much more using Solodev Modules which will be covered in a later tutorial. Solodev supports the image formats listed below.

File Extension Description
.png Portable Network Graphics.
.jpg Joint Photographic Group.
.jpeg Joint Photographic Expert Group.
.gif Graphics Interchange Format.
.bmp Bitmap.

# Text

Solodev’s text editor supports a wide range for file types for use. Solodev supports the following ANSCII-based file types.

File Extension Description
.js JavaScript. To use javascript files across all pages, reference the file path of the script in the Global Header Insert found in the Update Website Window .
.css Cascading Style Sheets. To use css files across all pages, reference the file path in the Global Header Insert found in the Update Website Window.
.php Hypertext Preprocessor.
.xml files Extensible Markup Language. Users can leverage xml files to create sitemaps.
.json JavaScript Object Notation.