# Managing Scheduler Entries

Add schedulers to your webpage & manage the publication of content via scheduler entries. This article shows the user how to add a scheduler to the page and manage the publication of content through the creation and modification of scheduler entries.

# Step 1 – Creating a Scheduler Entry

  • Open the scheduler.
  • Click Add Entry to bring up the Add Entry modal window.
  • Enter a Name for the scheduler entry.
  • Click Browse to select a file from the workspace. This example selects the home-slider.tpl file located in web files -> content -> home.
  • Enter a Start Date.
  • Click Submit.

# Step 2 – Modifying a Scheduler Entry

  • Open the scheduler.
  • Click the document icon next to open the desired entry.
  • The entry appears in a new tab, where the user can change the name of the entry, preview the file selected, change the selected file, and change the start date.
  • Once the desired changes are made, click Save.

# Step 3 – Deleting a Scheduler Entry

  • Open the scheduler.
  • Click the document icon next to open the desired entry.
  • Click Delete to bring up the Delete modal window.
  • Review the warning and click Submit.

# Step 4 – Adding a Scheduler to a Page

  • Open the page that will contain the scheduler and select the dropzone.
  • Click on the scheduler to insert it into the dropzone.
  • Click Publish.