# Solodev Tasks

Solodev Tasks are a collaboration resource that allows developers and their teams to work on projects and requirements in their websites and applications. Project requirements can include content as well as objects or code.

Tasks are designed to provide a team leader or project member with the ability to enroll other team members as well as track hours and progress to provide more insight around a project. Each user in tasks has the ability to be an assigner, with the ability to create new tasks, or an assignee – with the ability to perform tasks.

# Step 1: Assigning tasks

Tasks are assigned to content objects and code in any website or document in Solodev. This article will discuss managing tasks in the Website workspace using a Spacejet theme.

# Prerequisites:

  • Developers and project managers should have already created a website or installed the Spacejet theme.
  • While not necessary a task can contain a description that is pulled from a page’s or object’s metadata. Solodev recommends adding a meta-description to each object.

# Step 1a: Creating a new task

To create a new task:

  • Click Websites from the Solodev Dashboard
  • Choose the desired website with the spacejet theme.
  • Expand the content folder and choose the thank-you.html file.
  • Next to the action button, click the group icon.
  • Click Add task.
  • Enter the appropriate task description into the textbox.
  • Click the calendar icon next to the textbox to set a due date.
  • Click the group icon next to the calendar icon.
  • A text box and a list of users will appear to the left of the submit button.
  • Type the name of the user or select a user from the list.
  • To add multiple users, type the name of the user after selecting the first one.
  • Submit.

# Step 1b: Adding attachments to a task

To do so:

  • Click inside the New task textbox.
  • To add an attachment, click the paper clip icon.
  • Choose a file from windows explorer or finder.
  • Click Open. The attachment is listed underneath the textbox.
  • To add a link to text, highlight the text.
  • Click the chain icon.
  • Choose a link type.
  • Choose a protocol.
  • Enter a URL.
  • Click OK.
  • Set a due date.
  • Assign a user.
  • Click Submit.

# Step 1c: Creating additional tasks

Multiple tasks can be added to the same file. Please note that all tasks associated with Solodev objects must be completed by all assignees to be archived.

To create an additional task:

  • Click the Add Task button in the Tasks modal window.
  • Enter the appropriate task description into the textbox.
  • Click the calendar icon next to the textbox to set a due date.
  • Click the group icon next to the calendar icon.
  • A text box and a list of users will appear to the left of the submit button.
  • Type the name of the user or select a user from the list.
  • To add multiple users, type the name of the user after selecting the first one.
  • Click Submit.

# Step 2: Viewing tasks

Project managers can a view a list of all tasks, see the status of each task set by the assignee, as well as filter tasks by their main status (Open/Closed).

  • To access the task list, click the Task button under the Support section of the Solodev Dashboard.
  • The user is taken to a page with a list of tasks.

The list displays:

  • The status set by the assignee associated with each task.
  • The file associated with each task.
  • The due date associated with each task.
  • The assignees associated with each task.
  • The assigner associated with each task.
  • On the tasks page there is a select box to filter tasks and a search bar.

# Step 2a: Viewing all tasks.

  • From the task page, click the select box and select All Statuses to view all tasks.
  • A list of all tasks and their respective statuses appear.

# Step 2b: Viewing open tasks

  • From the tasks page, click the select box and choose Open to view open tasks.

# Step 2c: Viewing closed tasks

  • From the tasks page, click the select box and choose Closed to view closed tasks.

# Step 3: Updating a task status

Assignees are able to add comments to tasks and update the status for each task. The default task status for each assignee is Not Started. Assignees can update the task status by selecting the following statuses:

  • Not started.
  • In Progress
  • Partial Approved
  • Approved
  • Task Complete
  • Denied

Please note that a task will not be archived until marked as complete by the assigner or until a task and its additional components are completed by all assignees.

Assignees can update the status of their tasks by executing the following steps:

  • From the Solodev dashboard, click Tasks.
  • Click the desired task from the task list.
  • The assignee is taken to the file and the task modal.
  • The user can click the file textbox to make their changes.
  • Make the changes and click Publish.
  • To return to the task modal, click the group icon.
  • Click the textbox beside the assignee’s profile photo at the bottom of the modal.
  • Enter any comments or file attachments and links using the WSIWYG.
  • Select an appropriate status from the status select box.
  • Set the hours spent.
  • Click Submit.

# Step 4: Tracking hours for each task

The hours of each task can be tracked by executing the following steps:

  • From the Solodev dashboard, click Tasks.
  • Click the desired task from the task list.
  • The user is taken to the task modal.
  • At the top of the modal, the total number of hours spent on the task is displayed.