# Managing Domain Redirects in Solodev

Domain redirects allow the developer to choose a specified domain and redirect it to the main or primary domain. For example, if you want "example.com" to redirect to "domain.com", you can use the domain redirect feature within Solodev. Doing so will create a system-level "301 Redirect" vHost record for the specified domain name.

# Step 1 – Accessing website settings

  • From the dashboard navigate to the desired website.
  • Click on Settings on the right side of the screen.

# Step 2 – Adding a domain redirect

  • Under the Domain Redirect section in the settings modal, enter the domain name in the Add Redirect textbox.
  • Click on the Add+ button. The domain name appears below with an option to remove it.
  • Click the Submit button at the bottom of the Settings modal window to add the alternate domain name.

# Step 3 – Deleting a domain redirect

Once the user has navigated to the desired website:

  • Click the settings button.
  • Click the Remove button next to the redirect to be removed.
  • The list of redirects is located under the Add Redirects textbox.
  • Review the warning, click OK and click Submit to confirm the removal of the alternate domain.