# Website Settings

Website Settings applies to specific websites in the CMS system. Administrators can configure/change their primary URL here, set a domain for staging, add aliases, generate sitemaps and much more. This article provides an overview of Website Settings and their configurable fields.

To access Website Settings:

  • Click the desired Website from the list of websites from the dashboard.
  • Click Settings.

# Primary URL

The primary domain name for your website.

# Editing the Primary URL

  • Click the desired Website from the list of websites from the dashboard.
  • Click Settings.
  • Enter the new domain name in the Primary URL text box.
  • Click Submit.

# Domain Information

Enter staging address, alias, and custom rules to the domain host file in this section.

Staging website address – The domain name for your staging site used for testing.

# Adding/Editing staging website

  • Click the desired Website from the list of websites from the dashboard.
  • Click Settings.
  • Under the Domain Information accordion, enter the new domain name in the Staging website address text box.
  • Click Submit.
  • Origin website address – The domain name(s) for the non-cached version of your production website.
  • Click the desired Website from the list of websites from the dashboard.
  • Click Settings.
  • Under the Domain Information accordion, enter the new domain name in the Origin website address textbox.
  • Click Submit.
  • Host settings – add custom rules to the domain hosts file.

# Adding/editing staging website

  • Click the desired Website from the list of websites from the dashboard.
  • Click Settings.
  • Under the Domain Information accordion, enter the custom rules in the Host Settings textarea.
  • Click Submit.

# Domain redirects

Domain redirects allow you to re-use the same asset using various copies of the original domain under different aliases.

# Adding a domain redirect

  • Click the desired Website from the list of websites from the dashboard.
  • Click Settings.
  • Under the Domain Redirect section in the settings modal, enter the domain name in the Add Redirect textbox.
  • Click on the Add+ button.
  • The domain name appears below with an option to remove it.
  • Click Submit button at the bottom of the Settings modal window to add the alternate domain name.

# Deleting a domain redirect

  • Click the desired Website from the list of websites from the dashboard.
  • Click Settings.
  • Click the Remove button next to the redirect to be removed.
  • Review the warning.
  • Click OK.
  • Click Submit to delete the alternate domain.

# Sitemap

Developers can generate a sitemap in this section. The file is in the www folder of your website.

# Generating a sitemap

  • Click the desired Website from the list of websites from the dashboard.
  • Click Settings.
  • Click the Generate Sitemap button under the Sitemap accordion.
  • The sitemap can be found in the www folder.

# CDN Information

Configure your website to use a Content Delivery Network.

# Adding a CDN origin

  • Click the desired Website from the list of websites from the dashboard.
  • Click Settings.
  • Under the CDN Information accordion, click the Enable CDN checkbox.
  • Add the CDN website address/origin URL.
  • Choose a provider.
  • Click Submit.

# SSL Information

(Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.

SSL Website address – The SSL domain name that establishes an HTTPS connection to your website. Sitewide SSL (Canonical) – Mark this checkbox to force an HTTPS connection to all pages. SSL Certificate – the certificate for your domain obtained from a Certificate Authority. SSL Key – the information from the SSL key file goes here. SSL Chain certificate – the ordered list of certificates containing an SSL Certificate and Certificate Authority Certificates goes here.

# Adding SSL information

  • Click the desired Website from the list of websites from the dashboard.
  • Click Settings.
  • Enter the SSL domain name for your website.
  • Check the Sitewide SSL checkbox to establish an HTTPS connection across all pages.
  • Enter the SSL Certificate.
  • Enter the SSL Key.
  • Enter the SSL Chain Certificate.
  • Click Submit.

# Advanced

Developers can upload shortcode files, export packages, and adjust the timezone in this section.

Timezone – Adjust the website’s timezone here.

# Configuring the Timezone

  • Click the desired Website from the list of websites from the dashboard.
  • Click Settings.
  • Under the Advanced accordion, select the Timezone from the select box.
  • Click Submit.
  • Custom Shortcodes File – Upload a custom shortcodes file here.

# Uploading a custom shortcodes file

  • Click the desired Website from the list of websites from the dashboard.
  • Click Settings.
  • In the Advanced section next to the Custom Shortcodes File textbox, click Browse.
  • Choose the Shortcodes file.
  • Click Submit.