# Modify

Customize your form's name, type, and styles, including the displayed fields. You can also update email options, table schema, relationships, API details, customer.io setup and other advanced settings.

Modify Form

Name Description
Name Make changes to the form name.
Data Table Type Modify the data table type. Choose from Data Storage, Website Module, and Website Form.
Upload Form Select this option to upload a predesigned form.
Edit Form Make changes to an existing form.
Display/Hide Columns Select the option to display/hide columns on the form. Use the arrows to make your selections in the right column.

# Table Schema

Here you can manage your database table schema.


Name Description
+/- Use these options to add/ remove the column.
Name Use this option to modify the column name.
Type Use this option to modify column type.
Length Use this option to modify column length.
Allow Null Mark this option to allow null in the column.
Default Use this option to make the column default.

# Relationships

Here you can relate the data table to other modules.


Name Description
+/- Use these options to add/ remove the relationship.
Relationship Name Use this option to modify the relationship name.
Type Here, you can choose type. There are three options: one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many.
Module Here, you can select a module. To do that, click the Browse button and choose the object.
Field Here, you can select a field.

# API Info

Here you can find API Info that can be used in the API section to connect.
