# Solodev CMS Professional Edition

Solodev CMS Professional Edition is a business-grade content management system built from the ground up for Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is designed for small to medium-sized websites and apps that require a secure, scalable, flexible, and affordable hosting infrastructure powered by the AWS Cloud.

# Overview

Solodev CMS Professional Edition deploys on a single AWS EC2 instance fully managed by AWS OpsWorks and features its own MySQL database. This lightweight architecture allows your websites and apps to meet variable traffic demands while maintaining uptime at a reasonable cost.

Solodev CMS Professional Edition is available in the AWS Marketplace and can be instantly deployed in your account using AWS CloudFormation. It leverages an advanced stack of AWS cloud services to deliver a scalable and reliable workload, including:

Additional technology frameworks and libraries include Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Python, and more.

AWS Cloud Diagram

# Prerequisites

  • Before subscribing to Solodev CMS Professional Edition, you must have an AWS account and sign in.
  • If you do not have an account, you can create one at https://aws.amazon.com/.

# AWS Setup

Step 1: Subscribe on the AWS Marketplace.

Before launching a Solodev CMS Professional Edition stack, subscribe to the AWS Marketplace.

Step 2: Configure Your VPC and EC2 Key Pair.

Please note that a VPC and EC2 Key Pair must be configured within the region you intend to launch your stack.

Step 3: Subscribe to Solodev CMS Professional Edition.

At the top of the AWS Marketplace listing page for the Solodev CMS Professional Edition, click the “Continue to Subscribe” button.

Continue to Subscribe button

Step 4: You will be directed to the "Terms and Conditions" page. Review and accept these terms.

CMS Pro Configure Software Contract

Step 5: You will receive a thank you message and you will be asked to configure your software. Click the "Continue to Configuration" button on the top-right corner of the AWS listing.

CMS Pro Configure Software Contract

Step 6: Configure Solodev CMS Professional Edition.

Specify the basic configurable such as the software version and the region you wish to launch the stack. Click on the "Continue to Launch" button to proceed.

CMS Pro Configure Screen

Step 7: Launch your CloudFormation Stack.

Confirm your configurations and choose "Launch CloudFormation" within the "Choose Action" field. Click on the "Launch" button to continue to CloudFormation.

CMS Pro Launch CloudFormation

# CloudFormation Stack Wizard

Step 1: Create stack

Continue with the pre-selected CloudFormation Template. The Amazon S3 template URL (used for the CloudFormation configuration) should be pre-selected. Click "Next" to continue.

CMS Pro Create Stack

Step 2: Specify stack details

The following parameters must be configured to launch your Solodev DCX CloudFormation stack:

Parameter Description Description
Stack name The name of your stack (set to "solodev-cms-pro" by default). Please note, the name can include letters (A-Z and a-z), numbers (0-9), and dashes (-).

CMS Pro Stack Name

Network Setup

Name Description
VPCID Choose which VPC the application should be deployed to.
PublicSubnet1ID The ID of the public subnet in Availability Zone 1 in your existing VPC (e.g., subnet-a0246dcd).
PublicSubnet2ID The ID of the public subnet in Availability Zone 2 in your existing VPC (e.g., subnet-b1236eea).
InstanceType The EC2 instance type you wish to launch.
KeyName Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instances.
CookbookURL Host on your own S3 bucket (preselected).

CMS Pro Network Setup

CMS Settings

Name Description
AdminUser Name of the admin user.
AdminPassword Password must be between 1-41 characters. All characters are allowed.
DatabasePassword Password must be between 8-41 characters. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed.
StorageEncrypted Enable encryption both Database (RDS) and Filesystem (EFS). True or False.

CMS Pro Settings

Optional: Advanced

Name Description
WebsiteUrl Name of your first Solodev website.
RestoreBucketName Name of the S3 bucket containing files for restore.
DeletionPolicy Experimental: Deletion Policy (Retain, Delete, Snapshot).
CertificateArn CertificateArn for SSL cert that matches the FQDN above.

CMS Pro Optional Settings

Step 3: Configure stack options

Generally speaking, no additional options need to be configured. If you are experiencing continued problems installing the software, disable "Rollback on failure" under the "Advanced" options. This will allow for further troubleshooting if necessary. Click on the "Next" button to continue.

Step 4: Review stack

Review all CloudFront details and options. Ensure that the "I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names" checkbox is selected as well as the "I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might require the following capability: CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND" checkbox. Click on the "Submit" button to launch your stack.

CMS Pro Acknowledge Terms

# Monitor the CloudFormation Stack Creation Process

Upon launching your CloudFormation stack, you can monitor the installation logs under the "Events" tab. The CloudFormation template will launch several stacks related to your Solodev instance, including EFS, EDS, and EC2. If you encounter any failures during this time, please visit the Common Issues page to begin troubleshooting.

CMS Pro Stack Creation Process

# View CloudFormation Stack Outputs

If your stack builds successfully, you will see the green "CREATE_COMPLETE" message. Click on the primary stack and view the "Outputs" tab. You will find the IP address associated with the Solodev backend. Point your primary domain (mydomain.com) and a dedicated backend domain/subdomain (solodev.mydomain.com) to this URL.

CMS Pro Stack Create Complete

# Login to Solodev

Visit the IP address or the backend domain you previously configured. Log in to Solodev using the username "solodev" and the password you configured on your stack.

Solodev CMS Login Screen

# Add your First Website

Please follow this link to learn more about Solodev and to learn how to build your first website.

# Canceling your subscription

If you would like to cancel your Solodev subscription and you have chosen hourly billing plans, just delete the stack connected with your CMS Pro.

CMS Pro Stack

# Support

To learn more about our add-on support options, call 1-800-859-7656 to speak with one of our Solodev Customer Care Specialists.