# Folder

By clicking on the web files or www folders, you can update folder properties and access features such as uploading documents, adding links and file groups, and setting up advanced functions like A/B testing experiments.

Folder View

Name Description
Update Folder Change folder details like name or title and perform advanced functions like deleting a folder.
Upload Drag and drop or browse files into your folder.
Add File Add an HTML or code file to a specific folder on your website.
Add Page Create a new page for your website.
Add Link Insert a new page link into your website.
Add File Group Organize files by creating a new file group within your website folder.
Add Experiment Set up a new experiment for testing on your website.
Add Scheduler Create a scheduler to automate tasks or content updates.
Add Category Add a new category to organize content on your website.
Stage Prepare files or folders for review before publishing.
Publish Push files or folders live on your website.
Permissions Control user access and roles for files and folders.

# Folder Grid

Quickly navigate to folders or files within a specific folder. Easily locate and manage your content with just a few clicks.

Folder Grid

Name Description
Name Name of folder or file.
Modified Date and time of the file's most recent modification.
Members Permissions for users and groups.
By Name of the last user to modify the file or folder.

# Members

Manage access permissions for users and groups for specific folders or files.

Folder Permissions

Name Description
Name Enter the name of a member you want to add to your group.
Role Assign a View, Stager, Editor, or Admin role to a new or existing member via the dropdown menus.
Add Click the orange '+' button to add a new member to your group.
Delete Click the 'x' on the right side of the table to remove a member from your group.
Confirm Once you have completed all the fields, click Submit to apply your changes.