# Update Web Files

Under web files, you can update folders or access specific files to edit code using the code editor. This includes template files (.tpl), config files, SCSS, package.json, form assets, and other essential components for powering your website.

To edit a specific file, click on it to access the code editor.

Code file

Name Description
Publish Push your code or content to live production.
Draft Create a draft version of your code or content.
Stage Set up a staged version of your code or content for review as part of your workflow.
Add to Group Assign your file or asset to a specific file group.
History Review previous versions of your content or code and restore a saved version.
Copy Copy a file or asset for editing or additional use elsewhere in your website.
Move Relocate a file or asset based on your taxonomy.
Delete Delete a file or asset permanently from your website.

# Other Actions

Files also have the option to upload a file, create or manage tasks, expand your screen or collapse the right menu.

Code file top actions

Name Description
Includes Review where your file is being used.
Upload Overwrite the current file by uploading a new one.
Tasks Collaborate with team members in your CMS deployment by adding or completing tasks.
Expand View your file in a full width screen by removing all actions and menus.
Collapse Menu Hide the right menu.

# Includes

Quickly identify where your file is being used by clicking the includes icon at the top of the file. You can also go to the page your file is being included on, by clicking on the name of the file.

File includes

# Upload Files

By clicking the folder icon in the upper right corner, you can overwrite your current file, by dragging and dropping them via your browser.

File overwrite

Name Description
Upload Publish your file to your web files.
Upload + Stage Send your file into a pre-staged status.
Upload + Save Send your file and automatically save your code or content, but it will not publish it live.

# Tasks

Collaborate with team members by creating, assigning and viewing tasks, sending messages, and managing your task status and details.

File task

# Advanced

Schedule your publish date and expire date.

Advanced Accordion

Name Description
Publish Date Set an optional scheduled date for automatically publishing your file. Expire date menu includes: never, 1 day, 10 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 1 year.