# How to connect your DNS

After creating a website, developers can use the URLs provided to update their DNS tables and launch their website. The steps to access these URLs and update your DNS tables are provided below.

# Prerequisites

# Get IP Address from CloudFormation Outputs

Step 1. Start by navigating to the following URL: click here. On this page, you will find the CloudFormation stack outputs.

Step 2. Look for an IP address value provided in the output section. This IP address will be used to route traffic to your backend and frontend websites.

# Create DNS Entry of Type 'A' for Simple Routing

Now, use the IP address obtained from the previous step to create DNS entries. If your IP address is in the format like x.x.x.x, follow these steps:

Step 1. In your DNS management system (like GoDaddy), create a DNS entry of type 'A' (Address) for each of your backend CMS and frontend websites.

Step 2. Set the destination IP address to the one you obtained from CloudFormation.

Step 3. Configure these DNS entries with simple routing, which means that when someone accesses your website's domain name, they will be directed to the specified IP address.

# Adding a Website to CMS

After configuring the DNS, you can add websites to your CMS by going to add website and follow the provided steps to add your websites to the CMS platform.

# Creating an 'A' Record in AWS

If you're using AWS Route 53 to manage your DNS, follow these steps:

Step 1. Log in to your AWS Management Console.

Step 2. Navigate to the Route 53 service.

Step 3. Create a new 'A' record in your hosted zone.

Step 4. Provide the domain name for your website.

Step 5. In the Value field, enter the IP address you obtained from CloudFormation.

Step 6. Save the record.

# Dealing with Load Balancer URLs

If the CloudFormation output provides an AdminUrl in the format ... elb.amazonaws.com, it indicates that your website is using an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) for distribution. In this case:

Step 1. Create a DNS entry of type 'A' (address) that is an Alias in your DNS management system.

Step 2. Set the domain name as your desired subdomain (e.g., admin.yourdomain.com).

Step 3. In the Value field, enter the ELB's URL (e.g., your-elb-name.elb.amazonaws.com).